Leadership Team
Leadership Team

Apostle Idemudia Guobadia
General Overseer
Idemudia Guobadia is the lead pastor at the Overcomers In Christ Group of Churches. An attorney by profession, Idemudia Guobadia was ordained into the pastoral ministry on April 16, 2006.
Fondly known as Pastor ID, He has been raised up by the Lord Jesus Christ to build and strengthen disciples in the faith and to deliver the oppressed from all manner of demonic affliction. Pastor ID himself, has a compelling testimony of being delivered by the power of Jesus Christ from occultic powers and evil spirits from the sea.
He is on a passionate mission to see others delivered from bondage as well in the name of Jesus Christ and by the power of the Holy Spirit.Pastor ID is a deliverance minister that has been anointed especially in the apostolic, healing and teaching ministries. He features regularly on internet blogtalk radio (The Omega Man Radio Show). He is the author of eight books that can be purchased easily and directly from Amazon by clicking on Amazon here. His books are:
- 100-Day Plan Towards Real Deliverance
- Bringing The Church Back to Christ
- A Deeper Walk
- Overcoming Crisis
- Deeper Dimensions of Power
- Fighting For Deliverance
- Working For Christ
- I Never Stopped Believing
Idemudia Guobadia (Pastor ID) is married to Pastor Tayo Guobadia and is blessed with two sons and two daughters
You can find Apostle ID on the following platforms at Warfare Mindset with Apostle ID:

Senior Pastor & Head of Women's Ministry
Pastor Tayo Guobadia is Senior Pastor at Overcomers in Christ Group of Churches and directly oversees the Youth and Children Ministry and the Women’s Ministry.
Her passion has been demonstrated in her drive to engage her immediate community in Brooklyn with social services and programs that encourage responsible life choices. She is committed to community evangelism and worldwide missions.

Pastor Valiant Aimunsun
Senior Pastor Overcomers In Christ Deliverance Assembly, Newark, NJ
Pastor Valiant Aimunsun is the Senior Pastor of Overcomers in Christ Deliverance Assembly located in New Jersey. He is a man who tarries at the feet of our Lord Jesus Christ. He strongly believes in the Word of God. He always has a desire to share the Word of God with others. In 2009, he was ordained an Evangelist because of his passion for the Word of God. In June 2015 he was ordained into the office of Pastor.
His area of ministry includes deliverance and ministering Jesus Christ to the oppressed. This is due to his personal deliverance from the powers of darkness into the light of God. His calling is to preach good tidings to the brokenhearted and to proclaim liberty to the oppressed, in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.
He is married to his wife, Theolyn Aimunsun, and a father of four blessed children.

Pastor Coraleen Baird
Senior Pastor Overcomers In Faith Assembly, Brooklyn, NY

Angelo Evans
Angelo Evans was born in the Republic of Panama, Panama City in 1970. He was born to Evangelina Evans and Adolphus Evans.
Angelo’s older brother was a born again Christian and had always prayed for the salvation of his parents and siblings. Angelo suffered from seizures since childhood and in 1989, he was admitted to the emergency room because of an unusual episode of seizures. After a week of being in the hospital and recovering, his older brother visited him and shared the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. Angelo was convicted and he gave his life to the Lord Jesus at the age of 18.
After his conversion, Angelo became a member of the Cathedral of Life of the Assemblies of God, located in Panama and was baptized with the Holy Spirit the first time he attended the young adult service. A year later, he was baptized in water. In 1993, during his faithful walk with the Lord, Angelo decided to attend the University of Panama, in Panama City, to obtain his Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting, which he completed in 1999.
After 11 years of walking with the Lord, Angelo served in various ministries such as the Intercession team called Following God, Evangelism Ministry, and Young Adult Ministry. In 2001, while serving in these ministries, Angelo met Saskia Evans, his now wife. At the time, Saskia was the Secretary and Vice President of the Young Adult Ministry.
As they both served the Lord, they began to spend more time together, which allowed them to develop a strong relationship. In 2005 Saskia traveled from Panama to the United States but both remained committed to their relationship.
Meanwhile, Angelo continued serving the Lord and worked as an Assistant Accountant at MG Consulting Group, an Accounting Firm in Panama. In 2014, Angelo was able to travel from Panama to the United States to join his fiancée, and they were united in holy matrimony. A few days later, the Lord gave Angelo a dream of a dead giant in his living room.
Angelo understood that God was about to kill the convulsing giant of his life. And sure enough, after going through a series of medical treatments prescribed by his Neurologist, in 2017 Angelo was declared completely free of dependence on any anti-seizure medications. To this day, Angelo continues to be free of the need to use anti-seizure medications.
Angelo and his wife Saskia became members of The Brooklyn Tabernacle Church where Angelo served in the Prayer Band Ministry for 9 years. In 2020, a sister from the Prayer Band Ministry, Yvonne Knight, shared with them a YouTube video featuring a testimony of Apostle Idemudia Guobadia of Overcomers in Christ Group of Churches.
In 2022, they were invited to the Greater Works Deliverance Conference hosted by Overcomers and were moved by the power of God and the various testimonies. Since attending the conference, they began to seek God’s will for their lives regarding the Ministry of Overcomers in Christ Group of Churches, and in June of 2023, Angelo and Saskia Evans felt led by the Lord to become official members of the Overcomers in Christ Faith Assembly in Brooklyn, New York.
Angelo Evans, is forever grateful to his Heavenly Father for His goodness and mercy. Amen!

Saskia Evans
Saskia Evans was born in the Republic of Panama. At the age of 6, she and her twin sister were taken to an evangelical church by their older sister, who was a born-again Christian. Since then Saskia Evans loved the stories she learned about Jesus through her illustrated children’s Bible.
By the time she was a teenager, her interest for the things of God shifted to the things of this world. Disobedience, lies, secular music, and worldliness became part of her life. At the age of 16, she joined the basketball team at her high school in Panama and started hanging around with the wrong “friends”.
When she was 18-years-old, in her last high school year in 1996, specifically at her graduation ceremony, a professor, to her surprise, presented her with a beautifully wrapped gift. The Holy Bible.
Subsequently, in the same year, on April 5th, her older sister invited her to an Easter service. That same day Saskia gave her life to the Lord Jesus Christ.
After giving her life to the Lord Jesus, she became a member of the Cathedral of Life of The Assemblies of God in Panama, got baptized in water and started speaking in tongues shortly thereafter. In 1997, Saskia Evans started serving the Lord in the youth and young adult ministry, later on becoming the Secretary and the Vice President of the ministry. She also joined the intercession team called Following God along with the evangelism ministry.
After 6 years of faithfully serving the Lord, Saskia met Angelo Evans, her now husband, who was also serving in the youth, intercession and evangelism ministry. However, in 2005, Saskia traveled from Panama to the United States as a permanent resident, upon invitation by her father. Four months later the Lord opened a door for her to be employed at the Fordham University Law Library in New York City as a part-time clerk. After five years she became a full time employee.
During the years after coming to the U.S., Saskia and Angelo remained committed to their relationship in spite of the distance and the long years of separation. Eventually, in 2012 Saskia became a citizen of the United States.
While in the United States, Saskia attended and became a member of the Brooklyn Tabernacle Church in Brooklyn, New York for 18 years and served in the prayer band ministry for 12 years. In 2014 Saskia’s fiancé Angelo Evans, were able to travel to the United States, and a few months later by the grace of God, they were joined together in holy matrimony.
In 2020 during the pandemic, Saskia Evans completed her Bachelor’s Degree in English from Fordham University in New York City. Moreover, Saskia and Angelo were led by the Holy Spirit to watch a YouTube video which featured a testimony by Apostle Idemudia Guobadia.
This testimony encouraged them, and instilled strength for the spiritual warfare they were experiencing. In 2022 they diligently started seeking the will of God for their lives through fasting and prayers. On June 2023 the strongly felt the prompting of the Holy Spirit to become members of the Overcomers in Christ Faith Assembly in Brooklyn, New York.
Saskia Evans is grateful for God’s amazing grace and faithfulness because she knows that the best is yet to come in Jesus’ name. Amen!!

Adey Tsega
Adey Tsega came to know the Lord as her personal Lord and Savior in 2008. Although she did not come to know the Lord personally as an adult, she credits several circumstances during her childhood in Ethiopia as precursors towards her spiritual curiosity and an awareness about God at a young age.
This includes attending summer Bible study and prayer sessions at her paternal grandparents’ home every summer as well as attending a Catholic elementary school, which stressed a focus on learning about Jesus and the Kingdom of God above all else. The school also taught students a variety of worship songs which instilled in her a love of praise and worship at a very young age. One of Adey’s fondest memories of her maternal grandfather is the fact that he got up very early every morning to pray for his family by name.
Whenever Adey spent the night at her maternal grandparents’ home, she loved waking up very early to hear her grandfather pray for his children and grandchildren, waiting eagerly for him to mention her name in prayer. In addition, being raised by an engineer father and a journalist mother instilled in her a love for reading, problem solving, and a desire and curiosity to understand issues beyond surface level at an early age.
Adey came to the U.S. as a teen and focused on education above all else, eventually graduating as Valedictorian of her high school class and earning a full scholarship to college. As a college student, Adey was asked to be one of the founding members of her college’s gospel choir. Although she was not yet saved, she loved worshipping the Lord along with her closest friends who were born-again Christians.
The Lord used her friends as living testimonies of godly women who lived authentic lives as women of faith. After college, upon visiting a college friend who had moved to New York City for a job, she was invited by the friend to attend a church service at Times Square Church. A few years later, after moving to New York City for a job herself, the Lord impressed it upon her heart to attend a service at the church and it was at upon her first return to the church where she had a powerful encounter with the Lord which transformed her life.
Adey accepted the Lord at that service at Times Square Church after hearing a message by the late Pastor David Wilkerson and began attending New Believers/Foundation classes right away. She joined the church’s Music Ministry soon after that and served as a choir member at the church for over 10 years.
In 2010 Adey went to Israel for the very first time and the trip had a powerful impact on her and her journey of faith. After returning from Israel, she found out about her Ethiopian Jewish heritage, which instilled in her a desire to learn about Judaism and the importance of Israel. Since that first trip to Israel, she has returned to Israel several times, including to study Hebrew at the University of Haifa.
Prior to the Lord leading her to attend Overcomers on a fulltime basis, Adey attended a two-testament/Messianic Jewish congregation in Manhattan. The Lord has given her a powerful vision of revival in Israel and she has a passion for Jews to come to know their Messiah.
Adey is excited to walk in the Lord’s call for her to serve as an Evangelist. She feels incredibly grateful and blessed that throughout her journey of faith, the Lord has allowed her to sit and serve under men and women who served God with diligence, excellence and humility and she desires to serve the Lord the same way.
Adey holds a Master of Public Health degree in Epidemiology from Columbia University and works as a public health professional in New York City, with a focus on population health analytics.